Sunday, December 12, 2010

Almost Christmas Again!!

Today is December 12, 2010. I just put up the tree. We have a live one from Armstrong Nursery. Very nice tree. It is my sister-in-law's birthday. Ed is always fretting that she never comes over. Well, I am always countering with, "Why don't we invite them over?" He always says no. I have no idea why. It is crazy.

It's been a long time since I posted here. I was surprised to still find it here! I will have to post some photos too. You are posted to so many places. I have an Itouch and I can't keep that updated along with Photoshop. The info side of my life is never caught up!

I take care of my Aunt Phyllis now too. She has been in a nursing facility in Ventura since Dec 2009. She doesn't want to move. Of course not! Makes it so rough. My mom is in Apple Valley since last Thanksgiving. Half the price of San Dimas. Seems like nicer people, same type of place. My dad is gone now, since last July. Pearl is still weird, not even remembering my dad's birthday. Teddy is??? Haven't heard a word since June this year 2010. Why should I be surprised.

Well, time to get ready to see our grandkids, Melanie and Ava. We are going to Black Angus for dinner in Monrovia. Will post again some time. Ed is still the greatest. I would be very lonely without him. Still at JPL! Still want to lose weight! Never ending story.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My life in 2009

Well, here I am again. Loonng time! Lena and Uncle Sandro are both gone now. My mom is going strong, enjoying herself at Assisted Living. Almost a year now. My dad is about the same. I was going to go up there next weekend, but have been sick with 2 colds for 3 weeks now. I just can't risk getting sick again for a 3 day trip!

Had a good time with Julie in the car with us at Uncle Sandro's funeral - however sad that it was. Reminded me of old times. She said that she was sad the first night she was married, because she could kiss Ed and I "goodnite"!! I had told her that I was telling someone else how I was sad seeing her bedroom light go out for the last time the night before she got married.

I hope to write more often and be more upbeat!! The last two posts before this one weren't so hot! Teddy is still up to his usual. Angie is so cute when we get to see her.

Melanie and Ava are little darlings too. The best granddaughters a grandma could have!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Family Feelings

How I feel. When I am asked about the kids as to if they are participating in a holiday, etc. I feel guilty, because I do not know. I didn’t ask! Sometimes I feel that my family is so fractured. My son is AWOL and I don’t have that harmonious feeling. It seems so one sided. There is the tug of war between my daughter and my husband. I never have been the holiday person, probably due to my upbringing. I work also and that gets in the way. I just don’t have the time to be thinking ahead about all of the holidays. I was just trying to get my surgery out of the way.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ponderings and Troubles

Well, here I am at my desk. I just talked to my mom. She's been out of skilled nursing for 5 days. Actually she sounded ok today. I have been talking to her everyday about living in assisted living. Nice place, where we went to visit last Friday. In fact that's where she had been for the last 25 days. As long as she takes her pills for her congestive heart problem, she'll be ok. She's a little shakey in the memory dept, however.

I called my dad and he sounded terrible. He hardly has any voice. He's scheduled to go to the doctor today. I called his wife and she is doing ok. Sounded better than usual. No return call from my cousin.

My son is bothering me and all of the things that go on. I called him on his birthday. He had emailed me and said that maybe we could get together around the holidays, so we could see him, his girlfriend and their new baby. Well, he told me that the baby was taken away from them?? Now in foster care. I don't know what to believe.

I don't dare focus too much on all of these situations, way too sad. I go back to work tomorrow and hopefully back to reality, the kind that seems better than the way it has been for the last few weeks.

My daughter and her family are doing fine. We went to a birthday party for the youngest, so cute! Will post pictures soon of the quilt I made and the cute faces that make me smile and feel warm and fuzzy inside!

Actually some weird fuzziness went on today. I had my mom's storage closet on her outside patio cleaned out and squirrels were nesting in there! They were surprised when we saw them and one of them ran out.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Daughter's 31st Birthday!

Hard to believe. My first born is 31! Yes I am getting old! But it is so nice to see her grow up with her own family. We went out to dinner tonight and had a good time.

Today was humid here, it rained last night and there were white clouds in the sky.

I tried to call my dad today numerous times, but he was always somewhere else. I started thinking about whether or not I should go visit in WA, but I really can't! I am the only one who is a blood relative of my mom's! Even if the hubby was here and I was in WA, he wouldn't be able to do a thing! Then there is her sister, she has no kids. And my brother,...well he's never around to talk to.

Time to go to bed again...the old refrain - will knit tomorrow!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Time for Bed Again!

I swear that is the refrain for every weekday! I just start to relax and get involved in other things and it is time for bed.

I finally got this machine to work the way it should after all of the Norton updates! I am deathly afraid to put any Microsoft updates on. It always crashes! This Vista is for the the birds. They need to make it more stable or something.

I got my yarn today! It is so pretty! Now to pick the perfect project. I didn't knit tonight, as usual, but tomorrow I will, maybe just one row tonight??